Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Felucca Ride Photos (David)

The school arranged for a ride on the Nile.  It was a lovely float. 

The boats

About to board the boat

The boats

On the boat

On the boat

On the boat


A holy church ... Amy knows the story



  1. Thank you for the blog link...I looked at every photo. It is really beautiful there and so clean and modern-looking but with touches of old charm and history. You all look wonderful and I love you. FAP and Daisy

  2. Who would ever know that these pictures are in the same locale as the news we get from our papers and TV? Your school really is doing a great "entry" job for you...not always the case! Cheers for CAC! I "need" to see a picture of Miriam! (Is that the right name?)

  3. beautiful photos! tell Anna her smile is beautiful! it's such a difference without the braces. i'm looking forward to coming next summer to do in-service training for teachers on a series of social media in education classes ;-)

  4. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I am very jealous.
